Sunday, January 3, 2010

Highlights of 2009: A year in review

Decemeber 2009- We celebrated my sister Megan's 30th Birthday and my niece Quinnlin's 2nd Christmas

December 2009- Spent countless hours with family and loved every second of it.

December 2009- Attended our Annual Friend's Christmas Dinner at the Cook's House

December 2009- Attended our Annual Girl's Christmas Dinner and Cookie Exchange

November 2009- Coordinated the Annual Grand Traverse Ski Club Dinner Fundraiser and Warren Miller Film

November 2009- Waterskied in November in Northern Michigan

October 2009- I spent time with a wonderful group of girls who made a huge impact on me

October 2009- Spent a few memorable/beautiful weekends in Grand Haven/Spring Lake, MI

October 2009- Spent an afternoon at Hoxie's Orchard with friends

October 2009- Close Friends Molly and Eric Tied the Knot in Elberta, MI.

October 2009- Attended the Michigan vs Michigan State game. "Victory for MSU!"

Aug/Sept 2009- Spent several wonderful days at "Cedar Island" with such great people. Thank you for always including me. ;)

September 2009- My mom and I coordinated the "Lunch on the Run" breast cancer benefit for our 3rd year in a row.

September- Had the privledge of sailing Uncle Bernie's "Lady Carol"

August 2009- I turned 28 and celebrated with some of the people that mean the very most to me

August 2009- Spent a day at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes on the shore of Lake Michigan

August 2009- Traveled to the Les Chanauex Islands (in the Upper Peninsula) for our 5th Annual Friend's Vacation

August 2009- Spent a week in Leland, MI with family celebrating my Father's 60th

July 2009- Attended the Traverse City Film Festival Films & Parties

July 2009- Celebrated the 4th of July on Silver Lake as well as many late summer evenings

June 2009- Our dear friends, Dustin and Macare Tied the Knot

May 2009- I traveled to Las Vegas for my very first time for my close friend's bachelorette party

May 2009- Two very special people came to visit

May 2009- Graduated from Leadership Grand Traverse

May & June 2009- Worked, worked, and worked on my house

April 2009- I purchased my first home!

March 2009- My ski league competed in the League Championships at Boyne Highlands

March 2009-My family vacationed in Cancun, Mexico

February 2009- My precious niece turned 1!

February 2009- traveled to Kaui, Hawaii with my father


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

2010 is upon us and here in Northern Michigan this means heavy snows and cold weather. The temperature and icy roads have provided ample time for one to lay the foundation for numerous resolutions and ambitious goals. Personally, I took the last few months to create a list of goals that I would like to accomplish before I turn 30. The list is better known as my "30 before 30." I would like to accomplish a large portion of the list in 2010 since I'm healthy, supported, motivated, and really, I have no excuses.
I'll share the beginning of the list with you in hopes that this may motivate you to do something similar. Challenging yourself is the healthiest way to create your own personal motivation and strength.

1.)Complete a half marathon
2.)Serve on a non-profit board of directors
3.)Lector at church
4.)Skydive again
5.)Volunteer the same # of hours that I spend shopping each year
6.)Enjoy as many simple pleasures in life as possible
7.)Scuba dive once a year
8.)Do something for someone else at least once a day
9.)Compete in the Iceman
10.)Try two new recipes every month
..... and so on!

New Blog

Hello! It has taken me months and some consistent persuasion to finally sit down and create my own personal blog. My intent is to capture and share my often adventurous life with both my family and friends, near and far. One of my goals for 2010 is to create and maintenance a blog so I figured there was no better time than the present. I look forward to sharing my travels, community involvement, "firsts", fun with friends, and blessed family times.